Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Jesus For President.. Cast your Vote Today AND Tomorrow

A fellow in his 70's came in the bike shop just now and asked, "Have you voted yet?" and I answered, "No I have not". He said to make sure I do and that he's never missed a vote. Then he was on his way. But the truth is I voted yesterday, today and I'll vote tomorrow too.

Yesterday I voted for Jesus' Way as I relied upon him to love my neighbor as myself, I voted for Jesus today many times already as I resisted the temptation to make my day all about satisfying my selfish desires, and I plan on voting for Jesus tomorrow as I show up for work on time and encourage my friends to serve others before themselves.

Whether or not you vote for the president of the U.S. and other government officials today or not...don't forget to continue voting tomorrow and the next for the change you want to see in the world.

Jesus, let your government come on earth as it is in the heavens.

Surely the world will be changed more rapidly by millions of people being transformed by Jesus from selfishness of heart to true inner goodness than by getting one person in a position of power.


Daryl Winger said...

you can vote more than once?!

Beka said...

i enjoy the biggerstaff posts :)

Gretchen said...

Amen Ben! Well said.