Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A New Chapter

Imagine a book where nothing really changed from chapter to chapter. The main characters are living in the same place, they are experiencing the same emotions, they are interacting with the same people about the same things, things are just always "good" and never change. Would you buy that book? Would it be a good story? No!

God asked me that today as I sat in fear at the Seminary orientation. I was really scared and asking questions.
"God, do I have what it takes to succeed in this?"
"God, do I have the support I need to make it through this?"
"God, do I really connect with these people in this room?"
"God, did you really call me to this, or was this just one of my good ideas?"

Relationships are so huge for me. If I have a group of trusted voices encouraging me in something I know I can do it. But, I am majorly separated from those up here. Jen is strapped to the call schedule and doesn't always have much to give. I feel vulnerable, scared.

In the midst of those feelings God reminded me of the story he's writing. There will be certain threads throughout the story but many things will change. Location, emotions, jobs, friends, some times will be climactic and some will be low and building times. Its these ebbs and flows that make a good story. And God is authoring a good story.

I still need those encouraging words and prayers for my fears are not gone. I still greive my friends back in Indy. To every season turn, turn, turn,

1 comment:

Brandy Cunningham said...

Ben, appreciate your vulnerability. You are missed.