Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Caught between truths

I've had my first day of class which included to classes, a chapel service and comunity lunch. It was a good day. One of my assigned readings is a book called "Caught Between Truths". Its an interesting look at the paradoxical thoughts and ideas in the Christian faith. The idea is that truth is found in the midst of these pradoxes. Here's a couple examples of biblical paradox
1. In Exodus it says that Pharaoh hardened his heart and also that God hardened it. Which one was it? Both.
2. Jesus said salvation is available to the one who choses to come, although none choose to come unless the Father first draws them. Paradox

The Hewbrews had no problem fitting these kinds of things together even when not fitting together comfortably. They were judged to belong together. But we are more influenced by Greek and Roman culture so we find this extremely difficult at times and resort to excluding what we don't understand and focusing on what now has become a "half-truth".


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