Saturday, January 19, 2008

Don't Waste Your Life

My new favorite book for 2008 is Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper. You can find a free online copy of the book here.
It's one of those books that makes you feel like a piece of crap but then gives you so much hope for the changes that can be made in your heart, mind, life and thus world. It's one of those books that I want to read every year. Because, let's face it, WE ARE PRONE TO WASTE OUR LIVES ON LESSER THINGS THAN GLORIFYING GOD BY BEING AND MAKING OTHERS GLAD IN HIM. I'm a pro at wasting my life, how bout you? Watching TV shows that I don't like in the first place but that in the end make me want things I didn't know I wanted before watching them. Spending money on the newest gadget that will totally revolutionize my life or that piece of apparel that will make me feel like the stud I wish I was... You know you've done it! But those kinds of things are wasting my life. Check this out. What kind of questions to you ask when it comes to these things?

What's wrong with it?
What's wrong with this movie?
Or this music?
Or this game?
Or these friends?
Or this way of relaxing?
Or this investment?
Or this restaurant?
Or shopping at this store?
What's wrong with going to the cabin every weekend?
Or having a cabin?

Piper says, "This kind of question will rarely yield a lifestyle that commends Jesus as all-satisfying and makes people glad in God. It simply results in a list of don'ts."

Rather how about these kind of questions.

How will this help me treasure Christ more?
How will it help me show that I do treasure Jesus?
How will it help me know Jesus or display him?

So the questions are mainly positive, not negative, How can I portray God as glorious in this aaction? How can I enjoy making much of him in this behavior?
Because, remember, not doing something bad doesn't mean I am doing something that's good and that's right, important, worthy, glorious or unwasteful.

I'm wasting my life in many ways and though I know of some changes God wants to make in me I know that in a way there will always be ways I waste it and that fact give me more thankfulness for the grandness of God's grace. Until the end comes I will continually fall short of the glory of God even while becoming more like Him.


Matt Moberly said...

Thanks for putting a spotlight on this book and these questions. They're a great kick in the seat.

ben and jen biggerstaff said...

Yeah my seat seems to be getting kicked a lot lately. Hey I checked out your blog and looks like you've refined that song "ive seen the end.." I like the new chord formations and such. NIce touch!

Jes said...

good thoughts brotha Ben. Piper is a's funny that so many of the interns are walking through the 'how do i live like Christ with these material possessions.' right now lets bring it up in class this week. Jodi and I had some interesting thoughts last night. word to both of our mothers.