Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter More than Eggs?

I feel I could write passionately from a couple angles this Easter morning. For instance the way the god of materialism has captured the minds of so many on wonderful days of remembrance such as today BUT even more passionately I am full of hope this morning.

Just looking on the nightly news, listening to the gossip at work, hearing of wars and genocide around the world, heck even paying attention to our own thoughts we can see clearly the effects of, the first man, Adam's choice to eat of the fruit in the garden. And it's not only effected humans but the way humans have cared for the rest of the world. I would bet we might struggle to recognize the world if it were not affected by our thousands of year of maltreatment. But consider this mind blowing statement by the Apostle Paul in Romans 5,
"For if, by the sin of the one man, death reigned through that one man, HOW MUCH MORE will those who received God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ."

HOW MUCH MORE?! What?! You see I believe the life, death and resurrection (Easter) of Jesus can exponentially effect our lives and our world for good compared to the evil that has entered through the effects of Adam. And its not just the cross that makes it so. For if it were just the cross we would be forgiven and that's it, Jesus would still be in the grave. But we needed power to conquer sin, to rise above it and so Jesus provides us with that as well by rising from the dead which is what I and Christians all around the world celebrate this morning.

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