Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Way is a rocky path

watch your steps.. he said
When one enlists in follow The Way, Jesus, one does not walk the side walks of Easy Street. One finds himself on the Rigorous Road of Suffering. But it's on this road that He finds out who he is and what he's made of. Who He is and Who made him. He finds out what is really worth suffering for and that he is in the midst of that great purpose. Following The Way strips away the comforts that keep one from the Comforter. It's a rocky path with amazing views of the horizon which is to come and it is this view that keeps one following The Way. Things are not as they should be or will be but knowing The Way is a road that leads to the way things were always meant to be is a road worth walking.

"The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, Blessed be the name of the Lord" -Job

1 comment:

Beka said...

a friend of mine randomly sent this to me in an im message:
