Monday, July 28, 2008

Upside Down

Peter the disciple of Jesus and some others got worried when they heard Jesus tell a young rich man he couldn't enter the kingdom of the heavens unless he gave away all his riches. When Jesus said, "it's easier for a camel to go through a needle eye then a rich man to enter the kingdom" they asked "Who in the world can be saved then? We've left everything to follow you! What will we get for this?" And Jesus' reply? "No one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or homes or land for me and for the good news will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this life and for life eternal. BUT many who are first will be last, and the last first."
From Divine Conspiracy Willard says, "Jesus knew that much of what Peter and the others thought to be important was not really so, and that what they thought to be of no importance was often of great significance before God. Their thinking would have to be rearranged before they could understand their "reward" for leaving all to follow him."
I wonder what things I think are important that God doesn't think are important at all. And what things God thinks are important that I don't give a thought about...What are rewards from God that I think are a burden.
Willard says again, "In general, many of those thought blessed or "first" in human terms are miserable or "last" in God's terms and visa-versa.

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